

2023-03-15 18:04:49作者:小编酱


If you are a fan of the knights-errant longing for experiencing as one of them,then come to the Disturbance Village,the best place for it.The Disturbance Village in Shenzhen is the only unique restaur...

英语翻译一城三色就这个词语,是形容城市的三种景观,但现在只要求单一翻译一下好制作广告.想翻译成Three color of the city.感觉有点口语.有没有更漂亮的翻译呢.

A city of color,a city of lake 足够反应城市的特色了.
上海世博给的灵感better City,Better Life.城市让生活更美好.


温哥华郊外的高山湖泊Garibaldi Lake温哥华位置位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(又译为卑诗省,简称BC)西南沿海的伯拉德湾和菲莎河口的三角洲之间,加、美边界北侧,是加拿大西岸最大的港口.温哥华背靠海岸山脉,面向...


自古以来,大纵湖就是盐城的名胜.“平湖秋月”为古盐城八景之冠.如今,“纵湖秋色”又被列为“盐城新十景”之首.大纵湖面积达 30 余平方公里,是苏北里下河地区最大的最深的湖泊,为盐城百万市民生活饮水的源头.湖水清冽甘甜、水草丰茂、野鸟翔集、水产品极为丰富,尤以“大纵湖牌”清水大闸蟹闻名四海,八方食客慕名而来者甚众.湖区内各种植物多达 120 余种,野生动物 50 余种,这里的人与自然已臻完美的和谐境界.
Large vertical oval-shaped lake,9 km from east to west,6 km from north to south,with a total area of 30 square kilometers,is the Lixiahe the largest,deepest lake,enjoying good reputation in North Jiangsu first lakes.Resort built the late Ming and early Qing dynasties ancestral home of the famous calligrapher of the Song Dynasty Cao,Jian Han Dynasty man of letters,"Seven" and one of the Tomb of Chen Lin,"Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou" one of the Cheng Pan-chiao teaching museum and other attractions.Is now around the "Hudang oasis,fisherman shuizhai northern Jiangsu pearl paradise," the theme of location,will be built in three phases set Hudang tourism,leisure,folk collecting folk songs,ecological education,such as multi-functional in one expedition Quest The eco-tourism resort,the State AAAA-class tourist area.Initially built entrance plaza area,water customs area,history and culture area,Buddhist culture area,reed marshes maze areas,wetland areas,fisheries popular tourist area,lakeside resort of eight functional areas.Maze of reed marshes in which the most in the country,has selected China Guinness Book of Records.There is also the water in scenic weddings,gun shows and other special projects,providing honey system,lobsters,crabs,steamed Loach and other special characteristics,such as food and reed crafts souvenirs.
Since ancient times,large vertical Lake is Yancheng attractions."Red Beans Love" is the highest in eight wonders of the ancient Yancheng.Today,the "vertical Lake in Autumn" has been classified as "new Yancheng Ten Scenes" the first place.Large Vertical Lake area of 30 square kilometers,is the largest in North Jiangsu Lixiahe deepest lake,in order to Yancheng source of drinking water for millions of people's lives.Lake Qinglie sweet,lush plants,birds Elique,aquatic extremely rich,especially the "big lake vertical card" universally known for clean water crabs,Octagon patrons were very admiring public.Lake area up to 120 kinds of plants,wild animals,more than 50 kinds of people here have reached a perfect harmony with the natural realm.

