
soul storm(英文短语简短有意义)

2023-04-14 10:30:09作者:小编酱


1.Better late then never.只要开始,虽晚不迟。2.A heart that loves is always young.有爱的心永远年轻。3.Not root, not fruit.无根就无果。4.Patience is better, but its fruit is sweet.忍耐是痛苦的,但他的果实是甜蜜的。5.After a storm comes a calm.雨过天晴。6.The soul cannot live without love.灵魂不能没有爱而存在。7.The mountain is so unlike creeping in people's feet.山路不像坦途那样匍匐在人们足下。8.Time never speaks, but answers all the questions.时间从来不语,却回答了所有问题。9.Farewell is the past, coming is all surprises.告别的都是过去,要来的都是惊喜。10.All the future is to be looked forward to.所有将来,皆为可盼。11. Drunk eyes look at the world, everyone is gentle. 醉眼看人间,个个都温柔。12.Adults are overdue children.成年人也是过了期的小朋友。13.I crave the world fireworks impartial, all are you.我贪念的人间烟火不偏不倚,全都是你。14.Like,fit,together,are three things.喜欢,合适,在一起,是三件事。15.This unpleated calm day is also shining.这吹不出褶的平静日子也在闪光。16.Late is the night in the world. It's only for you.晚是全世界的晚,安是只给你的安。17.To love oneself is the beginning of lifelong romance.爱自己,是终身浪漫的开始。18.In the world, the winner is mostly a thin man.这世上,赢的多半还是薄情人。19.The fifth letter may be time to just your eyes smiling.可能时间刚好,你眼角带笑。20. There is no one else, you are everywhere.入目无别人,四下皆是你。


You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. 如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也不能。You want something. Go get it! 有了目标就全力以赴。All the bright, precious things fade so fast. And they don't come back.所有的光鲜亮丽都敌不过时间,且一去不复返。The more people you love, the weaker you are. 心若念他人,就有了软肋。If you don't love yourself, when someone else says horrible things to you, part of you is always gonna believe them.当你开始爱自己的时候,就不会在意别人的眼光。We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home.在时光的洪流中,我们皆是过客。此生只求能有所观、有所学、有所长、有所爱。I'm not saying everything will be easy for them, but who has a life where everything is easy?谁能一生顺遂呢?Half the trouble in life is caused by pretending there isn't any.生活中一半的麻烦是由假装没有造成的。Don't cry over spilled milk.覆水难收,不作无益的后悔。




鬼剑士 GhostKnight:狂战士 Berserker 觉醒后:狱血魔神 Hellbenter剑魂 Weapon Master觉醒后:剑圣 Sword Saint鬼泣 Soul Bringer觉醒后:噬魂Bite soul阿修罗 Asura觉醒后:大暗黑天 Dark Heaven神 Gunner:漫游 Ranger觉醒后:枪神Gun god枪炮师 Launcher觉醒后:狂暴者The violent机械师 Mechenic觉醒后:机械战神Mechanical god of war专家 Spit Fire觉醒后:大将军general魔法师 Mage元素师 ElementalMaster觉醒后:大魔导师Big MoDao division召唤师 Summoner觉醒后:月之女皇Month queen of战斗法师 Battle Mage觉醒后:贝亚娜斗神BeiYaNa dou god魔道学者 Witch觉醒后:魔术师The magician格斗家 Fighter气功师 Nen Master觉醒后:百花缭乱Flowers dazzle散打 Striker觉醒后:武神Wu god柔道家 Grappler觉醒后:暴风眼Storm eye街霸 Crasher觉醒后:毒王Poison the king圣职者 Priest圣骑士 Crusader觉醒后:天启者The apocalypse蓝拳圣使 Infigter觉醒后:圣焰者The flame of the驱魔师 Exorcist 觉醒后:龙斗士Dragon fighter暗夜使者 Night elf angel死灵术士 The necromancer warlock 觉醒后:灵魂收割者Bite soul刺客 assassin 觉醒后:银月the狂虎帝 Rage Emperor Tiger武极 Endlessness Warrior千手罗汉 Thousand Hand Arhan风林火山 Giant沾血蔷薇 Bloodia重炮掌控者 Heavy Barrel

